Come-on Get Happy


Recently I’ve been seeing and meeting a lot of people who are truly discouraged and just down in the dumps. In our current world 🌎 there are a lot of tragic, devastating things happening but there is also, a lot of good taking place. For some, the onset of bad news leads to an instant funk that’s hard to shake. I personally have a lot of experience dealing with discouragement living with a chronic illness (Crohn’s). I’ve had many set backs and my share of disappointments and I’ve learned one very important thing – it comes down to making a choice/a mentality change to focus on the positive and believe there is hope and a good future. Over the years I’ve learned to strengthen/encourage myself by thinking this way paired with various actions. I by no means am an expert but here are a couple of my “go to” strategies for dealing with the blues, a funk, depression etc..

1)Realize you’re not alone and it’s ok to be 😭 sad or discouraged it happens to everyone. You’re allowed to feel sad just don’t dwell there. Limited time only!

2) Take care of yourself. Get enough R & R. Drink water, eat well and exercise. The better you feel physically the easier it will be to think positively.

3) Use your hands!Plant something.Paint something.Bake something.The act of creating something positive is healing. It allows you to feel useful by putting something positive back into the universe. As a result, sadness gets replaced by the energy and the joy of creating.


4) Help someone else! Volunteer.Help someone you encounter on a daily basis. This stops the navel gazing and allows you to focus on someone else’s needs. In the end, this brings things back into perspective.

5) Surround yourself with positive vibes!!!Positive decor sayings.Positive people.Positive music/podcasts. If ain’t positive toss it or shut it off!!!


I would love to hear how you strengthen/encourage yourself when you feel low. Feel free to write in the comments below.